Tuesday is the deadline to register to vote – Martinsville Bulletin

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Tuesday is the deadline to register to vote


Voter registration event

Antonio Pettie holding a letter he received Sept. 21 from the state of Virginia that says his voting rights have been restored following his felony conviction. He attended a voter registration drive on Saturday.


Tuesday is the deadline to register to vote in this fall’s elections.

President, vice president, a U.S. Senator, the 5th Congressional District, Martinsville City Council and some referenda are on the ballot for Nov. 3.

Early voting continues in Virginia, and you can avoid lines at the polls by voting early either in-person or by mail.

You also don’t need an excuse to have an absentee ballot — which as of this year is simply a mail-in version of an early ballot. And if you have voted previously in Virginia, you don’t even need an ID. You only have to sign to attest to your registration.

This is all handled by your local registrar’s office.

If you live in Martinsville, your registrar is Cynthia Barbour. Her phone number is 276-403-5122 and her email is cbarbour@ci.martinsville.va.us.

If you live in Henry County, it’s Elizabeth Stone. Her phone number is 276-638-5108 and her email is estone@co.henry.va.us.

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If you live in Patrick County, your registrar is Susan Taylor. Her phone number is 276-694-7206 and her email is staylor@co.patrick.va.us.

The voting continues through Oct. 31.

Here’s other pertinent info:

HOURS: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Oct. 24 and Oct. 31.

WHERE: Registrars offices in Martinsville, Henry County and Patrick County (and all other localities).

ID: A valid form of identification is required for first-time voters but not returning voters.


GENERAL ELECTION DAY: 6 a.m.-7 p.m., Nov. 3

MORE INFORMATION: Voters with questions about absentee, mail-in and in-person voting can call 800-552-9745, email info@elections.virginia.gov or visit elections.virginia.gov.


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